OLTP vs. OLAP OLTP (Online Transaction Processing) and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) differ fundamentally in their purposes, data structures, and performance needs: OLTP (Online Transaction ...
OLTP vs. OLAP: How Workloads Shape Database Design
Go: Select for concurrency
Select in Go In the context of Go programming language, the select statement is used to choose between multiple communication operations on channels. It allows a Go program to perform non-blocking ...
Go: Mocking
Mocking in Go Mocking is a technique that uses mock objects to test code with external dependencies when writing tests in Go. External dependencies refer to the use of external resources or externa...
Go: Dependency Injection
Dependency Injection for Go Dependency Injection and mocking are two crucial concepts at the core of TDD(test-driven development). As its name implies, it operates by injecting dependencies. Common...
Docker buildx for multiarchitectural image building
Multi-architectural image First of all, what is a multi-architectural image? Most developers disregard distinguishing CPU architectures as they are too ‘low-level’. However with the ARM64 quickly e...

Git edit author information for previous commits
To rewrite author information such as author usernames and emails for previous commits, first add an alias for the change-commits command. git config --global alias.change-commits '!'"f() { VAR=\$1...
Git store credentials permanently
When being prompted to enter your git username and password repeatedly, store the information permanently. git config credential.helper store Once the credential.helper is activated, you’ll be a...
[Leetcode] 1. Two Sum Array
class Solution(object): def twoSum(self, nums, target): """ :type nums: List[int] :type target: int :rtype: List[int] """ buff={} for i, ...
Torch adding custom loss functions
Adding custom Pytorch loss functions Even with the most “commonly” used Pytorch loss functions - such as the MSE or L1 loss, there are times where we feel the need to tweak the functions, or even c...

MLflow for managing versions and tracking ML models on cloud systems
What is MLflow? MLflow is an open source platform used for tracking, logging and managing an end-to-end machine learning lifecycle. Log To keep track of your model versions and determine which amo...