To include new changes into the last commit, not to make a separate commit and rewrite history. git add -u git commit --amend --no-edit No edit for not changing the message. git push --force
Adding changes to last commit

Deploying SpringBoot toy projects with Heroku
Setup Specify jar source in Procfile. web: java -Dserver.port=$PORT $JAVA_OPTS -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar Deploy Deployment automatically starts with Heroku CLI with the following comma...

[Paper Review] Machine Learning for Query Optimization
Introduction Paper review of Yang, Zongheng Machine Learning for Query Optimization Boostrapping From Simulation(5.3) Before going into real execution for fine-tuning, it enters a stage of “simula...
Creating .jar files for Spring project
Introduction With jar files you can create multiple instances of your maven project. Clean First you need to clean up your target files so go to the right top corner and click on Maven. There you...
IntelliJ shortcuts for Spring Boot
Command + B : Go to definition Option + Enter : Show context options Option + Command + V : Introduce Variable Command + 1 : Show project window Control + Function + F6: Rename Shift +...

[Paper Review] Bao: Learning to Steer Query Optimizers
Introduction Paper review of Ryan Marcus et al. Bao: Learning to Steer Query Optimizers Bao is an MLDB model that performs query optimization with deep reinforcment learning. It’s idea is also ext...
Torch negative dimension, -1) What does the negative dimension mean here? The “-1” essentially means the index among the tensor sizes, just like simple python. For example, say we have a tensor with a size of...
Torch nn.modulelist
What is nn.ModuleList? nn.ModuleList will take in multiple layers just as nn.Sequential() does. heads = torch.nn.ModuleList([ Head(block_size, embed_size, head_size) for _...

Understanding Karpathy's Building GPT From Scratch
Introduction With all the hype surrounding ChatGPT, let’s try to understand and wrap our head around how the GPT model essentially works. And for this, we have this amazing resource that Karpathy ...

Jekyll post title escape character
When posting in your blog powered by jekyll, you input your title at the top of you readme file. But the formatting doesn’t allow you to include colons and your blog will render a crash. Escape ...